Strict limits for the use of cookies
Federal Court of Justice (BGH) follows the Court of Justice of the European Union
Internet users must now actively agree to the use of promotional cookies. Default settings are not permitted by the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) Germany. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) already decided in October last year that the user must actively agree to the cookies in order to obtain the necessary consent. Consent via pre-set activated checkboxes would not be enough. Judgment of 28 May 2020 – I ZR 7/16 – Cookie-Einwilligung II
VISUAL GRAPHICS® Werbeagentur has already informed affected website owners at the beginning of 2020 due to the European Court of Justice judgement and updated websites on request.
New CMS websites from our Web Development team are equipped with these features as standard. Please feel free to contact us about this.